Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Word ‘Abhidhamma’

By Dr. Sīlanandābhivaṃsa (Former Rector of ITBMU) Transcription of Abhidhamma Lecture.

Now we come to the word 'Abhidhamma' itself. This word is composed of two parts—'abhi' and 'dhamma'. 'Abhi' here means excelling or distinguished. 'Dhamma' means teaching. So Abhidhamma means excelling teaching or distinguished teaching. Excelling does not mean that the teachings in Abhidhamma Piṭaka are better than or loftier than, or nobler than those taught in the Sutta Piṭaka. The only difference between those taught in Sutta Piṭaka and Abhidhamma Piṭaka is the method of treatment, the method of presentation. The same things are taught in Sutta and Abhidhamma. You find the same Dhamma, the same subjects, in both Sutta Piṭaka and Abhidhamma Piṭaka. But in Abhidhamma Piṭaka they are minutely analyzed. It excels the teachings in Sutta Piṭaka, it is distinguished from the teachings in Sutta Piṭaka, with regard to the method of treatment. 

Take, for example, the five aggregates. I hope you are familiar with the five aggregates. Buddha taught the doctrine of five aggregates. We are composed of these five aggregates. Most beings are composed of five aggregates. These five aggregates are treated in the Saṃyutta Nikāya on one page only. Please the link: However, the same five aggregates are treated in the second book of Abhidhamma in 68 pages! So 68 pages versus one page. You see how different the method of treatment is in Suttanta Piṭaka and Abhidhamma Piṭaka. In the Suttanta Piṭaka the Buddha may elaborate on the five aggregates a little more, but it is not a complete analysis, a complete treatment, as in the Abhidhamma. In the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, especially in the Vibhaṅga, they are treated by way of explanation of Suttanta method, by way of explanation of Abhidhamma method and by way of questions and answers. Actually, everything to be known about the five aggregates is treated in Abhidhamma, not in Suttanta Piṭaka. So this is why it is called Abhidhamma. It differs only in the method of treatment, not in the content, not in the Dhammas taught in it. You find the same five aggregates in Suttas and Abhidhamma. You find the Four Noble Truths in Suttas and Abhidhamma and so on.

May All be happy and peaceful!

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